Shamrock Structures carries out projects with companies located throughout the world including Asia, Europe, and North America. In addition, Shamrock frequently utilizes international synchrotrons to augment its data collection services throughout the year.

Accelerating Structure-Based Drug Discovery!
Shamrock Structures is a drug discovery services company that provides researchers with access to technologies and expertise for three dimensional protein structure determinations through X-ray crystallography.
In medicinal chemistry, the Shamrock team can synthesize a wide variety of small molecules to be used in structure-based drug discovery or fragment-based lead discovery programs to increase project throughput and create more potential lead candidates for customers.
In cell biology, Shamrock scientists can conduct biological screening of small molecules against a variety of cancer cell lines and can carry out assays designed to determine the mechanisms of action of lead compounds.
Shamrock Structures was founded in 2003 by Flavin Ventures, an early stage venture capital and management group for innovative life sciences companies focused on drug discovery.